Whats is couch surfing:
Couchsurfing is a global community of 10 million people in more than 200,000 cities who share their life, their world, their journey. Couchsurfing connects travelers with a global network of people willing to share in profound and meaningful ways, making travel a truly social experience. With Couchsurfing, you can stay for FREE with locals in every country on earth. Travel like a local, stay in someone’s home and experience the world in a way money can’t buy. Many cities have weekly language exchanges, dance classes, hikes and dinners.
A female’s couch surfing guide:
1. Preferably Stay with single females
2. Look for separate private room options
3. Always look for verified members
4. Thoroughly examine photos and read the references carefully
5. Only message those with high references
6. Couch-surf with a sleeping bag or a sleeping slip to ensure hygiene and comfort
7. Bring mini locks to secure bags and valuables
8. If you plan on waking up for Tahajjud or Fajr, have a conversation with your host explaining our practice so you do not disturb your host in the middle of the night
9. Always bring a thank you card and buy an appreciation gift for your host (remember its the thought that counts)
10. If you have a smart phone always share your location with loved ones
Meet My Hosts!
Netherlands, Amsterdam
Meet: Jaap van Veen, he is an amazing retired Norwegian who offers two private rooms for travelers. He goes above and beyond for his guests and is like a kind and comfortable grandfather . He is super smart and knows a lot about things to do and see around Amsterdam. His place is easy to get to by public transit and there’s a grocery story nearby and halal food delivery options. Note: Cannabis is legal in The Netherlands and frequently used by host.
Philippines, Manila (Makati City)
Meet: Kath Banluta, is now a long life friend and soul sister. She and her family provide a lovable and genuine pinoy home environment. They offer two private rooms for couch surfers, sacrificing their own comfort, time and money to just simply give back. They are self less and truly have humbled me. Kath’s nephew is also the cutest thing on this planet that I enjoyed playing with! I hope to return to my Manila family one day.
Xian, China (Currently in Estonia)
Meet: Sara Majid, is a cool academic originally from Lahore. When I met her she was completing her PHD in Xian and I wanted someone to hang with in Xian. I was shocked to find a Pakistani female in Xian when scrolling down on Couchsurfing.com. I sent her a message immediately and we have been friends since. She is so strong, smart and fun!
Turkey, Istanbul
Meet: Sumeyye Belhan,is an Occupational Therapist in Turkey. I actually met her in Toronto during a couchsurfing event I decided to show up to. Her fun personality, intelligent views and glowing smile makes her great company! She is super excited to share things about Turkey and her culture, and would be an amazing host in Turkey. I hope to see her again and stay with her soon.
Italy, Milan
Meet: Esmy De, I did not stay with Esmy but spent a few days with her trekking in Sa pa valley, Vietnam. She is an open and fun person who would be a great host to anyone visiting Italy.
Note: All of these people can be found easily by searching on the couchsurfing website.